and film – channels of communication and evangelization in the light of selected documents of the Catholic Church


  • Anna Wożniak-Kot Uniwersytet Warszawski



television, film, media, mass media, truth


The attitude of the Catholic Church towards both film and television has changed over time – from a negative to a positive one. With time, the initial fascination with film on the part of Pope Leo XIII transformed into aversion and hostility: film drew people away from the Church and suppressed religious elements in their minds. A breakthrough came with Pope Pius XII, who did not change the Catholic teachings on the media substantively, but modified the tone of these teachings as well as the perspective on the media. The first television broadcast, after World War II, took place in France in 1948. Afterwards, the Church proposed its own solutions regarding preparation of media messages, formation of creators and education of the media audience. This article is a synthesis of premises within the scope of application, role and use of television and film in the Church’s mission. To this end, it contains an analysis of key Church documents dedicated to the media, published after the Second Vatican Council, as well as papal addresses published on World Communication Days.


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