Axiological and teleological dimension of the mission of the media


  • Michał Drożdż Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



media, public media mission, media ethics, purposefulness, axiology, values, journalists


Axiological and teleological dimension of the mission of the media. These analyzes are an attempt to search for rational foundations of the public media mission from the perspective of the purposefulness of media functioning and the purposefulness of media activities of media people in the context of values. These analyzes are an attempt to properly define and position the media mission on the foundation of the purposefulness of their functioning and the purposefulness of journalistic activities based on individual ethical responsibility in a spirit of respect for the value and dignity of each person. I understand the missionary nature of the media in two ways; firstly, the tasks and functions of the media in a social dimension of various nature: educational, educational, formative, cultural, charitable, ideological, integration, evangelizing, all media activities in the field of socially and axiologically important matters. Secondly, I understand missionary approach from the journalistic perspective as the responsible action of journalists and all those involved in social communication, i.e. the journalistic mission. Media missionary and journalistic mission are correlative and complementary. Analyzing the functionality of the media, it cannot be rooted out of the subjectivity of the goals. Therefore, the axiological and teleological perspective reveal the presence and role of man as a goal-oriented being in the entire space of his human activity in the media sphere understood as a space of value. Our analyzes are based on personalistic ethical and social thought, which we use to analyze source documents and literature on the subject, drawing from these analyzes synthetic conclusions about the axiological and teleological dimension of social and public mission of the media.


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