Negative consequences of not respecting the dignity of the media worker


  • Anna Teler Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



media industry, media employees, ethics, dignity, organizational pathologies


Negative consequences of not respecting the dignity of the media worker. The dignity of a person in the media is often considered in terms of the sender’s relationship with the recipient or in the context of an area of freedom, truth and other values at the level of media coverage and content. These are obvious and correct directions and intuitions. Nevertheless, an important perspective of a person’s dignity is relations within a media company, behind the scenes of a media spectacle. Can the media be deemed worthy if the employee aspect of a media company is omitted or marginalized? If – at its very organizational basis – the lack of a dignified treatment of media people by managers is diagnosed, then beautifully sounding slogans about values in the media and concern for the dignity of the recipient will not help. They will only remain a facade. The media industry is considered to be difficult and demanding, embedded in the realities of dual intramedia and intermedial competition as well as imperfect competition – with high quality requirements at the same time in a rapidly changing business environment, considered turbulent and hostile. Influencing society, (co)creating public opinion, initiating change of behavior, balancing on a thin line of objectivity and bias (especially in the context of political sympathies) – this is media everyday life. Ideal media do not seem to exist. Perhaps, that’s why the sense of responsibility and ethical orientation in managerial positions are extremely important. Managers in the media can fulfill a positive role, directly affecting the appearance and functioning of the media, and indirectly on their wise social impact. Ethical oriented management begins with recognition of employee dignity, which allows overcoming organizational pathologies. The paper is a review of positions and theoretical knowledge showing the current state and a proposal to overcome negative tendencies, especially organizational pathologies, also present in the media industry, on the basis of respect for the dignity of the media employee.


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