The image of communicating the truth in the doctor–patient relationship based on the series Hospital
doctor, patient, communicating the truth, axiology of communication, Józef Tischner, philosophyAbstract
The image of communicating the truth in the doctor–patient relationship based on the series Hospital. The author assumes in the article that the level of communication axiology is often the only possible form of communication between the patient and the doctor. This meta-space in interpersonal communication is aptly portrayed by the TV series Hospital. Therefore, it shows the philosophy of Józef Tischner’s drama as the ontological basis of the act of communication between the doctor and the patient, which will illuminate the reality of values in the interpersonal space. The text consisted of five parts. The author emphasizes this division due to the variety of research areas of the article. As part of the first research area, he tries to present the communication act in the light of ontology as an entity that can be described in its complexity. The second part of the article will present the philosophy of Józef Tischner’s drama. In the third area of the text, he examines the physician-patient communication pragmatics from the point of view of the axiology of communication. The fourth part, in turn, will be a synthesis of the previous three, in which it attempts to show the communication between the doctor and the patient from an axiological perspective. Within the last – fifth research area, he attempts to update the presented theory in media practice.
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