News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media  – case study of celebrity gossip column “Virtues and Vices”


  • Terézia Rončáková Catholic University in Ružomberok



news, media values, religious messages, týždeň, virtues, vices


News Values vs. Gospel Values. Religious messages in the media – case study of celebrity gossip column “Virtues and Vices”. By conveying religious messages through a media communication channel, researches often point to the “news non-value” of religious events. This is a conflict between “news values” (headed by conflict) and “gospel values” (which are Christian virtues). However, some religious topics are also interesting for the secular media. Among them, the most popular are the stories and fortunes of well-known people (and their private lives). The Slovak weekly, “.týždeň”, has published a regular column of Virtues and Vices, since 2011, in which celebrities – including many Christians – openly talk about their strengths and weaknesses. This study offers a content analysis of the presented virtues and vices; answering the question, what (Christian) virtues and their negations are of interest to the secular media?


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