Truth and integrity – God’s law and human ethics in the movie series The Handmaid’s Tale
ethics, new media, truth, honesty, series, „the Handmaid’s Tale”Abstract
Truth and integrity – God’s law and human ethics in the movie series The handmaid’s Tale. The basis of honesty understood in axiological terms consists of three elementary values: truth, good and love. On the other hand, the normative meaning of the notion of honesty is associated with the ethical behavior of the individual in relation to other people and to the individual him- or herself. Truth and honesty are considered as the superordinate ethical values that accompany a person throughout his or her life. Thanks to these norms, people have the opportunity to thrive in accordance with the accepted rules of conduct, or the so called code of ethics, in the name of, a.o: love, good, truth, beauty, freedom. Thus, an attempt should be made to answer the question: is one human being entitled to deprive another of the superordinate value of freedom? Confrontation of the viewer with the vision of the destruction of the world caused by the catastrophic exercise of power by the privileged self-proclaimed ruling establishment, which utilizes oppression, regime mechanisms and the army as an instrument of power. The enslavement of another human being justified by the carrying out of the divine will, as well as an insistent attempt to deprive people of dignity and autonomy, thus distorting the truth. A futuristic fictitious world which the viewer enters forces them to confront a number of borderline situations.
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Twórca oświadcza, że służą mu prawa autorskie do utworu i że nie są ograniczone w zakresie objętym niniejszym oświadczeniem oraz że utwór jest dziełem oryginalnym i nie narusza praw autorskich innych osób.
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