Mediatization of the parliamentary campaign in Italy in 2018


  • Katarzyna Radwańska Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Italy, parliamentary elections 2018, populism, campaign mediatization, Five Stars Movement, the League, political impasse


Mediatization of the parliamentary campaign in Italy in 2018. The one of the most interesting political venues in 2018 year was parliamentary elections in Italy. 4th of march the Italian society decided about triumph of two parties: Five Stars Movement and the League. The winners of long and hard elections’ ride were two parties of populism roots. After a political impasse lasting more than ninety days, the leaders of the winners made an agreement with the President of Republic of Italy about forming a new government. The main topic of this article consists the critical analysis of media content had presented after published results of the elections. The opinions were grouped in three thematic blocks: the economical situation, crisis of migrants and refugees and position of Italy’s Republic in the structures of the European Union.


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