Mediating and integrating role of the media in personal communication relationships


  • Michał Drożdż Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



ethics of communication, the media, interpersonal communication, media communication, person, ethics of the media, personalism


Mediating and integrating role of the media in personal communication relationships. Communication relationships of human are interpersonal or social, communal. The nature of communication already involves the relation to others and the orientation to different people taking part in the processes of communication. In the era of media civilization people communicate primarily through increasingly more modern media. In this perspective, media communication reveals features of interpersonal communication and the media have emerged as a tool in communication between people. Thus, it is worth taking a look at the media in their functional way as well as in their mediating and integrating role. Therefore, the aim of the article is to analyze this role from the perspective of theory of communication and media axiology in the light of personal vision of man.


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