Dialogue and social communication with young people in the actions of the contemporary Catholic Church


  • Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie




dialogue, direct communication, social media, public relations


The article presents the results of research conducted in order to assess communication effectiveness as regards the contact of young people with Catholic Church structures. It follows from the analysis of the presented research that it is still direct contact that is the most desirable tool for building the space for dialogue between young people and Church leaders. This could point to the need to show the impact of God on human existence, the testimony of one’s life and the vocation of religious officials and lay leaders in the Church environment. At the same time, the creation of a platform for direct encounters – especially in the researched group of young people – includes the media, in particular the new media. The results of the conducted survey confirm the opinions of the researchers who suggest that internet is space for effective pre-evangelization processes. New media, and most of all social media, are not only a source of reliable and quick information as well as a space for dialogue in the opinion of the respondents, but can also become the beginning of an encounter in the Church community.


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