Zapamiętana historia islamskiej rewolucji. The Hard Awakening: historia książki, polityka i autobiografia
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
anglikanie, Iran, rewolucja, Hassan Dehqani-Tafti, książka The Hard AwakeningAbstrakt
The article presenting the situation of the Anglican community in Iran during the Iranian revolution, problems and persecutions the Iranian Anglican faced at that time is focused particularly on a book written by the Anglican bishop Hassan Dehqani-Tafti (1920–2008). The book entitled The Hard Awakening was published in London in 1981 by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, however before its publication the book arose discussions among the workers of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The article attempts to describe and analyze the circumstances in which the book was written and published in a context of hard British-Iranian relations connected to the imprisonment of British citizens in Iran in 1980, underling the importance of the book as a personal story of the revolution seen and experienced by an Iranian, Christian, Anglican.
Materiały archiwalne
Archiwa arcybiskupa Canterbury, Lambeth Palace Library (LPL), Londyn
LPL. MS 3542.
LPL. MU/OS/5/29/6.
LPL. Fisher 87.
LPL. Runcie/ACP/1981/10.
LPL. Runcie/Main/1981/61.
Archiwa Lutheran Orient Mission, Luther Seminary (LSA), St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
LSA. LOM, Box 6, Correspondence 1978–1979.
The National Archives (TNA), Londyn
TNA. FCO 8/3641 Anglican Church in Iran: detention of British subjects in Iran.
TNA.FCO 8/4067 Anglican Church in Iran.
TNA. FCO 8/4068 Anglican Church in Iran.
TNA. FCO 8/4069 Anglican Church in Iran.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2018 Marcin Rzepka

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