Zamach na sędziego Giovanniego Falcone


  • Izabela Waszkiewicz Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


Słowa kluczowe:

Giovanni Falcone, Capaci, mafia, zamach


This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Giovanni Falcone’s death. This prosecuting magistrate, who was killed in the bomb attack organized by Cosa Nostra on 23 May, 1992 in Capaci in Sicily, is famous for his uncompromising fight with the Italian mafia. The round anniversary is a good occasion to remind the figure of the man merited for the European justice administration and also to return to those tragic events once again. The presented text is a continuation of the article entitled “The man who challenged Italian Cosa Nostra. The anti-Mafia activity of judge Giovanni Falcon.” published in the previous issue of ‘Textus et Studia’. In the previous text a reader will find all preliminary problems concerning the discussed issue which have been omitted in the present publication because of obvious reasons.


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