The Missionary Choice in the Activity of Parish Pastoral Council
Parish pastoral council, Pope Francis, Evangelii gaudium, evangelization, pastoral planningAbstract
The article discusses the missionary option as indicated by Pope Francis in his first apostolic exhortation. This challenging option can be lived fully only through a total commitment of all church structures. That is why it is interesting to reflect how one of the parish structures, namely the pastoral council, can contribute – according to its competences – to put into practice what has been enunciated in Evangelii gaudium.
A particular contribution of the parish pastoral council consists primarily in the development of an adequate parish pastoral plan, which would have as its main goal to educate the parish as a missionary community, responsible for the transmission of the Christian faith in today’s world. The article also features some directions from the Papal document which must be taken into account and some practical suggestions which aid in reaching the delineated goals. A commitment of the parish pastoral council to fulfil this missionary choice enables this structure to see its role as oriented “to promote conformity of the life and actions of the People of God with the Gospel”.
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