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Author Guidelines

To maintain the high scientific level of the journal and to be in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, the rules for the articles are as follows: 
1. The volume of the article should not exceed 45 thousand of characters (with footnotes, summaries and key words in English and Polish, and bibliography). 
2. The submitted article should be complete, i.e. it must contain all of these elements indicated above. 
3. The texts submitted to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines published on the website of the Publishing House of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow.
4. The author of the article is obliged to: 
– submit only the original text written by his/herself, which has not been published anywhere else; 
– do not send the same article simultaneously to any other journal than Analecta Cracoviensia; 
– disclose (e.g. in the form of footnotes and scientific biography) all relevant sources of scientific information used in the article; 
– in case of discovering a material error before publishing the article, immediately notify the Editor-in-Chief and cooperate with him/her in order to correct the text;
– make a statement regarding the sources from which the publication was financed. 
– in the case of co-authors, each of them must (in the form of a written statement) indicate their percentage contribution to work and inform about their contribution to the work (e.g. concept, assumptions, methods).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The paper has not been published in print or electronic form in any journal or monograph.
  • The paper was not simultaneously submitted to another journal or monograph.
  • The paper was done with the substantive and intellectual participation of all the authors.
  • The paper has been done without any conflict of interest between the authors and other institutions or organizations. Any conflict of interest must be reported in the relevant part of the paper.
  • By submitting a paper to the editorial office, the author declares that he/she is fully aware of the legal and canonical consequences resulting from the certification of untruth and ethical consequences.

    The editorial office and the publisher reserve the right to verify the originality of the submitted paper and reject it immediately in the event of a breach of the above rules.

    The author acknowledges that the editorial staff and the publisher have the right to notify the author's superior in writing of such a violation, indicating the scope of the violation.

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Information in forms

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Provision of data

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Cookie files management - how to express and withdraw consent in practice?

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