Register of clergy in: practical perspectives, the perspectives of protection of the good name, in the perspectives of protection of personal data


  • Robert Czarnowicz Instytut Bona Fama
  • Piotr Kroczek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



prohibition of exercising the power of order, church penalties, Clergy ID, good name, personal data protection


In Poland, there is a problem of priests who are forbidden to serve and who, contrary to the canonical law, perform priestly services, e.g. administer sacraments, preach the word of God. This problem undoubtedly needs to be solved, after all, these are the most important issues for the Church. The article analyzes the idea of a centralized, nationwide register of priests covered by such a ban on exercising ordained authority, which is supposed to solve this problem. The evaluation of this register has been made from 1) the practical point of view of, 2) from the perspective of protection of the good name, and 3) the protection of personal data. The conclusion of the conducted research is as follows – the idea of the register in question should be rejected and an alternative proposal to it should be introduced in Poland, i.e. a uniform model of clergy ID.


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