About the Journal

Peer Review Process

All research, overview and monograph studies are reviewed anonymously by 2 reviewers. The authors will receive the review together with a request to follow the reviewers' recommendations, apply corrections or make suggested edits. The editorial staff reserve the right to make stylistic correction and edits, also in titles of articles. The author will receive the text with corrections for approval prior to its submission for print. The editorial staff reserves the right to return non-compliant texts to their authors with a request for making necessary changes and corrections.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate, free, universal and permanent access to its content, supporting the global exchange of scientific knowledge. Publishers and editors do not charge for the preparation and publication of the text.

Policy on Guest Authorship and Ghostwriting

To prevent ghostwriting and guest authorship, the editorial staff requires that the input of each author be disclosed, in particular the authorship of the concept, assumptions, methods and relevant passages. The editorial staff must also be informed of the sources from which the publication has been financed. Since ghostwriting and guest authorship are manifestations of the lack of scholarly diligence, the authors of articles are requested to submit statements to the editorial staff concerning the professional and financial input of entities which have contributed to the publication.

Journal History

In the 1st issue of our periodical, its founder dr Janina Bieniarzówna wrote in the Foreword: "We would like to present studies and materials related to the history of Church, its missionary and social activities, religious culture and art, the history of theology, the formation and work of monastic orders and secular institutes. Our intention is to discuss subjects concerning Poland as well as its neighbours. However, the content of "Folia Historica Cracoviensia" should include primarily the [history] of the Church in Krakow, as enabled by the particularly extensive archive material from all around the Małopolska region". There have been no significant changes in this respect since 1989, when the first issue saw the light of day. The periodical is published annually, although the 2nd issue was dated as late as 1994. To this day, 20 annual volumes were issued.