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Author Guidelines

The Scientific Journal  “Folia Historica Cracoviensia” welcomes scientifically valid, unpublished works in the following areas: history, history of art, archaeology; anthropology and other related disciplines. The journal also publishes reports from important conferences and book reviews. “Folia Historica Cracoviensia” accepts contributions written in Polish, English, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian. The texts will be published in both a printed paper form and a digital version (PDF format) on the journal internet web. Texts published in the languages mentioned above should also provide an English version of: the title, keywords and abstract. Contributions should be submitted in Word format either as an e-mail attachment or on a CD. Graphics should be provided as separate files TIFF, JPEG, PDF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Texts should be given in a definitive, clear and final form, ready for publication and corrected by the appropriate native speaker.

2. The editors will provide a response indicating acceptance or refusal of the text within three months. Texts will be reviewed by subject specialists.

3. The article should have section titles written in Arabic numerals. Footnotes with raised Arabic numerals, are to be inserted at the bottom of pages and not at the end of the article. All acronyms and initials should be spelled out first before subsequent use. The end of the article should consist of a short bibliography (5–20 publications).

4. Reliability in science is one of the cornerstones of quality. For this reason, the editors of “Folia Historica Cracoviensia” thank the authors for their honest and ethical stance regarding the creation of work which is solely theirs and expect them to disclose the work or influence of others in the appropriate footnotes. According to the editorial staff “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” is a manifestation of scientific misconduct, and any detected cases will be exposed, including notification of their respective owners.

5. Each article is rated “initially” by the editorial team, and then by at least two independent reviewers according to the “double-blind review process”. The review is prepared in writing according to the form set out on the website of the journal. The censors then confirm their approval or rejection of the text for publication.

6. The author will receive a copy of the journal, where his/her text will be published.

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The work has not been published in the past in printed and/or electronic form in any other periodical or monograph in Poland or any other country.

  • The work has not been submitted to any other periodical or monograph in Poland or any other country.
  • The work is not in review by any other editorial staff.
  • work has been prepared with professional and intellectual input of all its authors.
  • The work has been performed exclusive of any conflict of interest between its authors and other institutions, businesses or organisations, and if any such conflict of interest (e.g. a commercial source of funding) exists, a relevant statement has been made in the appropriate section of the work.
  • I am making this declaration with full awareness of the legal and ethical consequences of an attestation of untruth. I understand that the editorial staff and the publisher reserve the right to verify the authenticity of the work I have submitted and to immediately reject it should the above principles be violated. I understand that in the case of such violation the editorial staff and the publisher have the right to notify the author's superior, indicating the extent of such violation.

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