A photographic portrait of Father Benignus Wanat, discalced Carmelite, with Christ’s head Ecce Homo in the background
This photographic memory of the late Father Benignus Józef Wanat OCD is based upon a high quality photo, anonymously posted and found accidentally on Facebook on 11 April 2013 after his funeral. Investigations established that the photographer, Jacek Praśkiewicz, is a photographer from Kielce. Additionally, the work includes a descriptive analysis of various aspects of several works of art: a psycho-physical description of the character portrayed its settings and lighting, a description of the ceremonial costume used and its symbolic elements. It has been established that the photo was taken at a celebration of an anniversary held on 12 December 2008. What is crucial to emphasise is this: the relationship of the portrayed person (Fr Benignus Józef Wanat OCD) with the portrait’s background, which uses a fragmented image of Christ Ecce Homo, which is of unknown provenance. This latter aspect included a description of the work which is very important, because it shows the supporting facts taken from the biography of Father Benignus, corroborated by the statements of witnesses, of his imitative attitude to Christ, in relation to God-Man suffering in humble silence and bringing aid to his fellow human even to the extent of the sacrifice of his life. [Translatio by Fr E. Wanat SDS]Downloads
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