The view of the lower Tiyari village after Badr Khan Bey’s campaign in Austen Henry Layard’s account
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Austen Henry Layard, Tiyari, Badr Khan BeyAbstrakt
The article brings some account on events form the 19th century based on the text of Austen Henry Layard Nineveh and its Remains (New York 1854). The book is the result of the studies of Austin Henry Layard who spent some time between November 1845 and April 1847 conducting excavations around the ancient city of Nemrod. His notes concern both the difficulties of the search and excavation and also his numerous trips around the region, including the Tiyari Mountains and Yezidi-inhabited Sinjar. There are many descriptions of the everyday life of the Arab tribes living around Mosul and also the everyday life of the main city of the province.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2015 Adrian Jasik

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