Between the Syriac heritage and the Papacy. The cultural influence and contribution of the Maronite Church to the growth of the Middle East in the 14ᵗʰ–19ᵗʰ centuries
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Maronite Church, Syriac, Papacy, Middle EastAbstrakt
Taking into account the Maronites connections with the West the article rises aquestion: in what areas did the Syriac Christian community constitute a bridge between the East and the West? Although not all critical remarks of Kamāl Ṣalībī (b. 1929) on the Maronite view of history are accepted without reservation, his remark that “the awareness of the historic truth constitutes the ultimate foundation for the possibility to build a healthy society” seems valuable. The postulate of the verification of over-interpretation is always valid, nevertheless the discussion: what is a myth and what is the truth in the history of Lebanon continues.
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