Teaching on Satan and demons in perspective of Sulpicius Severus


  • Józef Pochwat Kraków




This article presents the teaching of Sulpicius Severus († ca 360–420) on the spirits’ wickedness on the basis of his literary works. The author takes for granted the existence of angels – good, pure spirits, and demons – evil, unclean spirits. He points out that both the pagan temples and other objects of worship as well as the cult associated with them are a dangerous thing and clearly indicate the worship of Satan by pagans. Convinced of the real presence of Satan, he warns against the smartness and deviousness of the spirit of iniquity, and presents the examples of their real impact on people. Looking at his statements on the devil we should pay attention to the fact that Sulpicius Severus tells of the coming of the Antichrist, and he inextricably links this fact with the persecution of Christians.


