About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Pro Musica Sacra is a scientific journal dealing with the subjects from the field of church music. This annual in its current form has the following structure: I - Articles and studies; II - Notes, polemics, III - Reviews and reports.

We seek the aim for articles to be written in the following areas related to the subject of church music: choral music; compositions of religious music; organs; Gregorian chant; liturgy; history of church music; performance of church music.

The editorial board composed of the editors responsible, among others things, for the above-mentioned themes (thematic editors) are staff members and faculties of the first, and so far the only one in Poland, Intercollegiate Institute of Church Music, its first study major being  Church Music. The combined forces of two institutions: Music Academy in Cracow and the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow is an unprecedented guarantee of a most comprehensive approach to the problems related to the subject of church music.

Articles have abstracts in foreign conference languages. On average, more than 50 per cent of  the articles in a single issue of our journal are by authors from outside the publishing entity of the journal.


The journal does not charge any fees to authors for any part of the submission or publication process.

Double anonymous peer review

Initial screening is done by the Editorial Board. If the subject is appropriate, all submissions to be considered for publication in the Articles section will be subject to a double anonymous peer review process, i.e. the reviewers will not know the identity of the author(s) and the author(s) will not know the identity of the reviewers (each article will be sent to two reviewers, that are independent of the authors, i.e. not affiliated with the same institution). All other submissions to the journal will be subject to review by the Editorial Board.

Open Access and Repository Policy

The journal provides readers with immediate free access to all published content under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Authors are allowed to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice. The Repository Policy of the Publisher is recorded at Sherpa Romeo

Indexing of the journal in databases

The journal is indexed in international databases:

The Ethics and Malpractice

To prevent ghostwriting and guest authorship, the editorial staff requires that the input of each author be disclosed, in particular the authorship of the concept, assumptions, methods and relevant passages. The editorial staff must also be informed of the sources from which the publication has been financed. Since ghostwriting and guest authorship are manifestations of the lack of scholarly diligence, the authors of articles are requested to submit statements to the editorial staff concerning the professional and financial input of entities which have contributed to the publication. In cases of suspected or alleged misconduct, we will follow the COPE flowcharts.

Plagiarism policy

Each submission undergoes a plagiarism check using Crossref Similarity Check, powered by iThenticate, prior to the review process. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will be rejected.

Journal History

The first issue of our journal titled Musicam Sacram Promovere was published in 2004. The following year, the second volume of studies entitled Pro Musica Sacra was released. Since then, an average of one issue per year (an extra special issue came out in 2009) of new  volumes have been published. On 24 March 2011, the annual was registered in Circuit Court in Kraków as a periodical. On 30 May 2011 the National ISSN Centre of the National Library in Warsaw reserved for Pro Musica Sacra the ISSN 2083-4039 number.

In the past, international authorities in particular fields of musical life were invited to cooperate with our journal. Also nowadays, among others, by establishing contacts with the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome and with the universities in Graz and Cologne, the exchange of ideas, research results and experiences in the field of music education continues.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.