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Author Guidelines

To qualify an article for publication in Pro Musica Sacra annual, it is necessary to obtain a positive review and meet the following editorial requirements

  • the author of the publication should disclose his/her contribution to the creation of the publication (disclose authorship of concepts, assumptions, methods used in the preparation of the publication)
  • the co-author should be identified (if any) who has significantly contributed to the publication (ghost-writing barrier)
  • the size of article is not strictly defined, although optimally it should be within the limits of 10-12 thousand characters
  • Word format, font Times New Roman - 14pt, single spacing, justified text, margins 2.5 cm
  • the author's surname preceded by the full forename should be placed in the top left corner of the first column of the article
  • under the surname, the name of the institution or college/university which the author represents, the contact address of the author with employment details in a standard postal format as well as the e-mail address to the author
  • the title of the article should concisely and clearly express its subject; the title may be supplemented by a subtitle, the title should be provided in Polish and in English
  • if the article has been previously presented, this fact should be noted (if possible,  including the date and place of presentation of the article) in the first footnote at the bottom of the page, using an asterisk reference
  • an abstract and keywords in English should be placed under the title of the article; the abstract is a self-contained text of about 100 words, which, when read separately from the rest of the article, should inform about its content; the abstract should include such elements as: formulation of the research objective, identification of the research object, essence of the applied method, main results and conclusions; underneath the abstract, in the alphabetical order, the 10 most important keywords for the article should be provided
  • if the article is in a foreign language, an abstract in Polish should also be provided
  • footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page with the text to which they refer; references to footnotes should be marked with Arabic numerals in superscript, before the punctuation mark finishing the sentence or its part, in a continuous order for the whole article; in bibliographic descriptions, a comma after the title should be written in an upright type (antique), not in italics (further guidelines regarding footnotes and the main text - see Editorial Guidelines of UPJPII Scientific Publishing House, set out in a separate file)
  • figures and tables should be placed in the text of the article as close as possible to the place where they are mentioned; individual supplementary materials should be numbered within the article, preceding the number of the illustration with an appropriate abbreviation, e.g.: Tab., Photo., Fig. Each type of supplementary material should be numbered separately,
  • the bibliography, placed at the end of the article, should bear the heading: Bibliography; it should be prepared in alphabetical order with no division by type of publication; each item of the bibliography should be started on a new line; the surname should be given first, then the initial of the forename
  • the article should be accompanied by short (900 characters) information about the author (including, above all, matters related to the current activity, academic titles, places of work, etc.)
  • one-sided printout on white A4 size paper, compatible with the electronic version, and the electronic version saved on a CD must be submitted to the editorial office
  • in the case of articles containing photographs, illustrations, tables, in addition to the Word format, the CD should contain a PDF transcript and, separately, photographs in JPG format,
  • please do not make any editorial work, e.g. a so-called ‘hard space’.

Texts submitted to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines posted on the website of the Scientific Publishers ( in the file Editorial Guidelines for Authors.pdf.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The paper has not been published in the past in print and/or electronic form in another journal or a monograph in Poland or another country.
  • The paper has not been submitted to another journal or a monograph in Poland or another country.
  • The paper is not being reviewed by another editorial office.
  • The paper has been completed out with the substantive and intellectual participation of all the authors.
  • The paper has been completed with the exclusion of any conflict of interest between the authors and other institutions, companies, or organizations, and the existence of such a conflict of interest, e.g. commercial source of funding for the work, is indicated in the appropriate section of the manuscript.

  • I make this declaration in full awareness of the legal consequences resulting from the attestation of false statements as well as the ethical consequences. I understand that the editors and publisher reserve the right to verify the originality of the submitted paper and to reject it immediately, if it is found to violate the above rules. I acknowledge that the editors and the publisher have the right to notify the author's supervisor in writing of such a violation, indicating the extent of the violation.

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