Scientific cognition and absolute truth. Criticism of Siemion L. Frank’s Argument for the existence of God


  • Zofia Sajdek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



science, absolute truth, existence of God, Siemion Frank


According to a Russian philosopher Siemion Frank, there is no such thing as “truth” in science without making a pre­‑assumption about the existence of some kind absolute, and in Frank’s eyes “absolute” always equals “God”. That is why you cannot be an atheist and scientist at the same time. The article is an attempt to show that it is not a proper notion of what science is or should be because: 1) science does not need any idea of truth (maybe philosophy of science does), 2) a consistent notion of truth can be formulated without any notion of absolute, 3) “absolute” not always equals “God”, or even “transcendence”.


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