The Theory of Intellectual Cognition (Francis Suárez’ approach)


  • Robert Goczał Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu



intelectual cognition, second intention, essence of being, passive and active intellect


This paper concerns Suárez’ intellectual cognition which is directly related to the theory of objective being, although understood differently than in the present times. In the discussion of intellectual cognition he placed the concept of first and second intention. Suárez especially indicates the order of so­‑called the “second intention” in which the intellect perceives being through the very objective being (noetic order), which is characterized by undivided and undifferentiated status at the level of active intellect. Thus Suárez’ objective order of cognition is not distinctively determined. This makes the being to be comprehended through the objective concept of being from the noetic perspective as referring equally to the singular entities as well as universal, finite and infinite, being created and uncreated. Considering the above, one can agree with the position according to which Suárez’ intellectual cognition can be considered as a scholastic theory that could have a significant bearing on the future epistemology in modern rationalism, especially which had considerable influence on the Cartesian model of subjective knowledge and Kantian critical transcendental philosophy. Suárez’ approach meets with the theory that influenced the modern epistemology and post­‑Cartesian philosophy as a cognitive shift towards a new subjective prospect (e.g. in se conversa), in which reflection on real being was shifted toward the cognitive representations, that is, toward the noetic reflection and mentalism.


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