Kategoria obecności w kontekście religii


  • Piotr Klimowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Słowa kluczowe:

Presence, secrecy, God present, God’s hidden, encounter, revelation, God’s closeness, homo religious, capax Dei, the persuit of God, the silence of God, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Hans Jonas, Augustine of Hippo


The article is an analysis of the cathegory of Presence in the context of religion. The scope is to show the phenominon of presence as a fundamental cathegory in the aspect of religious existence. Article mentions definitions of presense known in both classical and modern philosophy. Especially interesting for the work is the concept of God’s presence through: the word, the Providence, the world and the mystical experience. The matter of God’s presence is complemented by analisys of God’s secrecy often discussed in the religious literature, especially in the theologhy of spirituality. The text is featuring reciprocal correlation, dialectics of both terms and the consequences for the spiritual life. There are mentioned antropological conditions of the posibility for religious relationship, especailly relationship in which the essence is the presence – that are: capax Dei (man’s ability (and need) to relate to the Divine) and quaerere Deum (man’s ability (and need) to seak for Divine).

Biogram autora

  • Piotr Klimowski - Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    magister filozofii





