Triple creation of world as proposed by Michael Sendivogius


  • Milena Cygan



Michael Sendivogius, God, man, alchemy, philosophy, Nature, word, creation


The question of the beginning of the world, it’s first rule, genesis and structure followed humanity since the dawn of time, becoming a source for philosophy and science. Search for a rational answer to that question lead, throughout the ages, to a creation of many cosmogonic concepts which referenced various philosophical traditions. While they currently hold only historical value, in many cases they contained ideas, sometimes still very inarticulate, which revolutionized the science in later years. One of such concepts was proposed by Michael Sendivogius, a Renaissance polish alchemist. In his approach, creation of world is dynamic and multiphase. In his vision, the world is something, which is subject to evolution (though he does not use this term), inevitably changes, and thus undergoes a permanent creation. In this creation of the world, as Sendivogius describes it, one can distinguish three fundamental stages, responsible for which are three factors: God, Nature and man. The goal of this article is to present how, according to Sendivogius, the world is created, what tasks in this continuous process are carried out by God, Nature or the man, and in what relations they remain, in regards to themselves and the world they create.


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