Getting to Know Scheler


  • Adam R. Prokop Uniwersytet Opolski



M. Scheler, ethics, axiology


The article is a retrospective look at the process of getting to know the life and work of a well-known German intellectual Max Scheler (1874–1928), a pioneer in phenomenology, ethics, and philosophical anthropology. The paper covers a biographical synthesis with an emphasis put on the problematic elements of the life of the German philosopher, an attempt to synthesize Scheler’s intellectual achievements in the light of various publications devoted to his works and ideas, and a critical analysis of his work entitled Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik (1916), which up to this day has not been fully translated into Polish. The subject of this reflection is to show the intuitive dissonance between what Scheler wrote and taught and how he lived, while its purpose is to demonstrate it. This seems to be an important issue, especially in the context of ethics and axiology that claim to have the right to formulate rules binding on every individual.



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