Pneumatological Christology in the thought of Marcello Bordoni




Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Christology, pneumatology, Marcello Bordoni


Bordoni’s presentation is more elaborate from a systematic point of view, and with respect to Christology, the pneumatic dimension undoubtedly occupies the central role. Bordoni appears more complete and systematic in his presentation of the event of Jesus Christ as an intrinsically pneumatic event in its very constitutive structure and in its salvific normative function. The pneumatic dimension of the Christological event converges in three fundamental perspectives: that of the incarnation, whereby, in the Spirit, the Word becomes flesh; that of the relationship between incarnation and anointing, whereby, in the Spirit, Jesus becomes Christ; and that of the paschal event, whereby the Christology of the Spirit converges, whereby Jesus of Nazareth, vivified by the Spirit, becomes the giver of the Holy Spirit. Three fundamental aspects of the event of Jesus Christ in Bordoni’s Christology are to be considered not only as separate or purely successive chronological events (narrative aspect), but also as structural dimensions (doctrinal aspect) of the one Christological event, which is always, at the same time, the event of the coming–descent of the Word among us (incarnation), accomplished in a continuous passage towards the Father (Passover), through the power of the Holy Spirit (anointing).



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