Taboos of political correctness – a shield or a muzzle?


  • Sławomir Soczyński Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



taboo, political correctness, the freedom of speech


It is commonly practiced today – especially in offices and the media – political correctness, as well as the mechanisms by which it uses, have had already numerous studies. Among them we find those whose authors express their concerns and fears, accusing political correctness primarily attempt to limit so important for the modern human values, which is the freedom of speech. At the opposite extreme, however, are the publications in which emphasizes its importance in the fight for equality of each person. We can confidently say that the authors of both groups uphold important for our community of values, having its source in the dignity of the human person. This article is an attempt to analyze the phenomenon, which is political correctness, and the search base of the conflict indicated attitudes.


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