Confidence – security – development. Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement


  • Marta Bolińska Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
  • Katarzyna Komorowska Zespół Oświatowych Placówek Integracyjnych w Micigoździe k. Kielc



security, development, confidence, Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement


Confidence – security – development. Veronica Sherborne’s Developmental Movement. Movement is a natural means of communication, and people often express themselves through it. The contemporary theory of physical education and the Developmental Movement by Veronica Sherborne both stem from Laban’s observations and experiences. The Developmental Movement Method is a non-verbal interpersonal training; it utilizes touch, movement, physical correlation, emotional and social relationships; as it refers to the early childhood experiences of people. Movement makes one realize the importance of balance whence physical contact is a source of sensory impressions. The advocate and promoter of the aforementioned method is prof. Marta Bogdanowicz (born 1943), who educates people and encourages the implementation of polysensory approach in therapeutic work. Marta Bogdanowicz is a paediatric clinical psychologist, former director of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Gdańsk, the founder and a longtime chairman, currently the vice-president, of Polish Dyslexia Association (1990), the vice-president of the European Dyslexia Association and a member of a number of international scientific societies. She is the author of over 300 publications, including 40 books and a number of non-serials: Portraits of not only famous adults with dyslexia, Gdańsk 2008, Good Start Method, Warsaw 2005, Risk of dyslexia, Gdańsk 2005, What to play with children?, Gdańsk 2004, Cuddles, Gdańsk 2003.


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