Perception of older people in the opinion of graduates from Pułtusk


  • Józef Młyński Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie



old age, senior, youth, subscribers, research, research analysis


Old age as a natural wave of life following youth and maturity, culminates in the dynamic process of aging of people. Called the final stage of life, it is usually equated with the decline of the body’s efficiency, loss of mobility, weakened strength, reduced ability to adapt to any changes, loneliness, the necessity to use the help of others and sometimes even functioning on the margins of social life. Such an image of old age seems to be not very optimistic, the more so despite the inevitable process of aging, people of this age can also be very active in the social space and present a friendly image of old age. This article is an attempt to show how maturity youth perceive older people in their living environment. For this purpose, a short outline of the theoretical basis on old age is described, a methodological note and an analysis of the conducted research were presented, taking into account the conclusions set at the end of this article.


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