The Rationality of Emotions: A Review of Modern Approaches
emotions, rationality, subconscious, appraisalAbstract
Emotion and rationality seem to stand at two opposite poles. Reality, however, is rarely drawn in black-and-white shades. Therefore, just as it is difficult in practice to achieve a state of pure reason (untainted by emotions and subconscious motivations), similarly, the rational element seems to be inherent in the emotional response. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the process of forming modern opinions about the rational and irrational components of emotion. It is discussed in a historical context, and the last section of the article proposes a schema that attempts to integrate and organize the presented views. The rational evaluation of a stimulus, according to the author, takes place on several levels, an automatic primary evaluation, and a more conscious and active secondary appraisal. According to this conception, emotions at each of these stages are rational strategies for coping with life situations.
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