Obraz chrześcijańskiego świata w traktacie De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae Pierre’a Dubois
https://doi.org/10.15633/tes.01106Słowa kluczowe:
Pierre Dubois, chrześcijaństwoAbstrakt
Pierre Dubois was French lawyer and publicist of the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. In his writings he raised the most important issues absorbing French court during the reign of Philip the Fair (1285–1314). The best known of his texts is De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae written between the years 1305–1307. The treaty is a project of crusade which would permit the Christians to recover lands lost in the Holy Land. Because Dubois was persuaded that maintaining of peace among Christians was essential to organize crusade, he presented a plan of creation of European organization which would guarantee it. He proposed also many solutions concerning, among others, creation of homogeneous educational system and reforming the way of life of the clergy. His work has attracted the interest of historians who have analysed it most often from the point of view of 14th century crusading projects as well as political and law concepts. The purpose of this article is to examine Dubois’ treaty as reflections of his vision of reality and to answer the question, what was the Christian world in his opinion. This will allow to outline some of the most important elements of the world view of an educated and wealthy member of the 14th century French elites.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2017 Magdalena Satora

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