„O aryjskie chrześcijaństwo” – próba syntezy chrześcijaństwa i rasistowskiego nacjonalizmu w polemikach dziewiętnasto- i dwudziestowiecznych autorów niemieckich
https://doi.org/10.15633/tes.01203Słowa kluczowe:
Deutsche Christen, Positives Christentum, rasizm, aryjski rodowód Jezusa, antysemityzm, chrześcijaństwo w nazistowskich NiemczechAbstrakt
Since the days of activity of Paul De Lagarde (1827–1891) all over the united Germany there were raised voices calling for unification of Christianity with the German spirit by completion of the Lutheran revolution and purification of the Christian faith from Semitic elements. According to biological anti-Semites, the pressing problem was the issue of racial identity of Jesus. Making use of the findings of German oriental studies and using the arguments that belonged to the branch of biological anthropology, the German ideologues postulated some theses that allowed for a grotesque fusion of racist ideology and Luthera nism. In their opinion, it was mainly the Aryan blood that Jesus had in his veins. It was believed that Jesus might have been a descendant of either pre-Israelian communities of the Promised Land, or the Assyrians who conquered these territory in the 8th BC.
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