Осмысление межкультурных различий и конфессиональных противоречий в философском и литературном творчестве 19 – первой половины 20 века


  • Alexander Pavilch Minsk State Linguistic University



Słowa kluczowe:

różnice międzykulturowe, sprzeczności konfesyjne interakcje międzykulturowe, twórczość filozoficzna i literacka, reprezentacja, kontrasty, stereotypy


The article presents an analysis of the experience of inter­preting intercultural differences and confessional contra­dictions in the writings of Western and Russian thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries. The difficulties of intercultural interaction of Catholics and Orthodox are being understood, factors of negative perception of different religions and their representatives are revealed. The ways of overcoming com­municative barriers between different cultures and religions are indicated. A systematic representation of intercultural differences and confessional contradictions in works of fic­tion is presented. The material of the world literature shows that the distance between peoples and confessions was his­torically determined not so much by ethnocultural and dogmatic differences as by political and ideological factors.


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