Kanonizacja Jana Pawła II i Jana XXIII na znaczkach pocztowych Polski i Watykanu


  • Jan Józef Janicki Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie




The Polish Post, The Vatican Post, joint issue stamps Poland and Vatican City, canonization, John XXIII, John Paul II, St. Peter’s Basilica


The Polish Post and The Vatican Post (Ufficio Filatelico e Numismatico Città del Vaticano) issued a joint issues stamps commemorating the canonization of the Popes Johannes Paulus II and John XXIII, that took place in Rome on the 27th of April 2014. On the 21st of March Vatican and Poland on the 2nd of April 2014 introduced into the post block containing two stamps (the Polish version costs 5 PLN and the Vatican 1 Euro) presenting two new saints of the Popes against the inside of St. Peter’s Basilica. (Print issue of Polish and Vatican in the number of 200 thousand pieces).
Canonization of John Paul II commemorated two blocks (also published jointly by Poland and the Vatican) with the image of the Holy Father on blue background (in denominations of 5 PLN and 1.90 Euro offset printed on paper technique fluorescence) and white-the golden (denominations: 8,50 PLN and 2,50 Euro made steel engraving. Halo is formed from seven circles of various texts teaching the holy Pope in Polish and Italian. The author of this article read both versions (very difficult to read without significantly enlarge!) and posted them for PT. Readers.
Mail Polish and Vatican furthermore introduced a stamp (in denominations of 2,35 PLN and 0,85 Euro) with the image of Pope John Paul II (as a block). A stamp was issued in decorative small sheet containing six values surrounded tags with short texts of papal speeches, and on the margin of the sheet a figure of Christ from the facade of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. (Issue stamps both published in the number of 1.5 million units).


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