Arguments for the non-existence of God considering the Trinitarian theo-ontology


  • Jan Strumiłowski Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne, Katowice-Panewniki



atheism, theism, Trinitarian dogma, theo-ontology, existence


The analysis of arguments for non-existence of God shows, that they touch, on different levels, the metaphysical questions. Some of them assume openly another metaphysical model than that used by theists. The others seem to not touch directly the metaphysical questions, but they remain in another sphere, for example in the existential one. However, they also participate somehow in the metaphysics, which implies that they presume a specific image of God and a specific ontological model that differs very often from the theistic model.
Nonetheless, even when the presumed metaphysics agrees with the theistic view, i.e. when the arguments are favourable for the philosophical Absolute, it does not mean that such arguments are also valuable in relation to one God in three Persons. The Trinitarian dogma describes the very essence of God, so it determines a specific metaphysical model in the creative model. Having in mind this relationship, the present article analyses the atheistic arguments in the light of theo-ontology, asking whether they fit to its model.


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