The program of formation of evangelizers in the School of Evangelization of St. Andrew’s
evangelization, evangelizers, formation programAbstract
The new evangelization is an instrument needed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the same but new in zeal, method and means. The ideas of the School of St. Andrew’s Evangelization, which have been presented, are a practical response to this call. The article consists of a detailed analysis of the whole vision, methodology and strategy of the pastoral program of the School of Evangelization. It is role and concern for taking up the challenges of the new evangelization has been taken into account. A synthesis of the thoughts of the methods was presented, as well as a detailed description of the formation program. The hope that the research undertaken will contribute to a deepening of the existing knowledge, which could contribute to the use of the above mentioned program, to the formation of new evangelizers for the new evangelization, is not without foundation.
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