The Anthropological Mercy in the Mystical Experience (Faustina Kowalska) and the Philosophical Reflection (Joseph Tischner). The Items of the Ontological (Theo-)Anthropology. Part II.
anthropological mercy, ethics, religion, metaphysics, being oneself, ontological (theo-)anthropologyAbstract
This article is the second part of a study in the scope of comparative analysis of the two concepts of anthropological mercy: the religious, in the mystical sense, concept of Faustina Kowalska (Diary) and the ethical-religious, in the reflective sense, concept of Joseph Tischner. This article concerns the anthropological mercy in the approach of Tischner. The general similarities between this two concepts in religious dimension allow us to consider them from the perspective of one problem: the interaction between ethics and religion. The problem is studied on the basis of ontological (theo-)anthropology (a person is studied from the perspective of the possibility and obligation of being self). The purpose of the analysis is a justification for the thesis that the interaction between ethics and religion is based on a metaphysical factor. This purpose is achieved by demonstrating that the ethical-religious anthropological mercy in the philosophical approach of Tischner has a metaphysical basis and essence – and that in these metaphysical terms one can define the phenomena of the religious anthropological mercy depicted in the Diary.
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