Antidemonic character of the sacrament of marriage
the sacrament of marriage, marital unity, the relationship between Christ and the Church, SatanAbstract
Marriage, elevated by Christ to the rank of a sacrament, is not only God’s response to the split initiated by the devil’s temptation in the Garden of Eden, the restoration of the original unity and indissolubility, but it reflects the inner life and love of the Holy Trinity, which enables spouses to live in an attitude of total self-giving. The relationship of a woman and a man, based on faith, hope and love, is sanctified by the presence and constant accompaniment of the Spirit sent by the Father and Son, thanks to which their daily existential hardships and difficulties in spiritual struggle become possible to overcome. The sacrament of marriage, modelled on the close relationship between Christ and the Church and implementing this covenant of love, is a space for life, prayer and witness to God's love for spouses. As such, it is a rock against which the attacks of powers of darkness crash.
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