A Contribution to the History of the Altar of the Clothiers’ Guild in the Parish Church in Biecz


  • Magdalena Kotulska Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie




Włodzimierz Tetmajer, Marcin Kromer, Corpus Christi Collegiate Church in Biecz, clothiers’ guild, foundation document for the guild altar


The article presents a short outline of the history of the Corpus Christi Collegiate Church in Biecz, which constitutes only an introduction to a wider discussion of the main subject of the text, i.e. the history of the altar and the chapel of the Biecz clothiers’ guild. It is currently held that St. Catherine’s and St. Michael’s chapel was owned by the guild. However, the earliest sources concerning the investigated subject contain a mention of the original Corpus Christi altar founded by the guild. This inconsistency is presumably caused by the co-existence of two guild foundations, initially the Corpus Christi altar, and later the entire chapel. It should also be emphasized that they were located in two different places inside the Biecz parish church. The author did not find any evidence which would suggest that the first altar could survive until today. The article has been enhanced by a source edition: The elders of the clothiers’ guild of the town of Biecz notify Cardinal Frederic of the foundation and provision of the Corpus Christi alter in the Biecz parish church of 1483. The document is stored in the National Archive in Krakow.


Źródła rękopiśmienne

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Cechy rzemieślnicze miasta Biecza, zespół 29/122, sygn. 29/122/0/4/4 (dawna Dok Dep 001)

Cechy rzemieślnicze miasta Biecza, zespół 29/122, sygn. 29/101/0/2/5 (dawna Dok Dep 007)

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