Editorial Team


dr Amadeusz Pala, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy, Poland

Editorial Assistant

Anna Smoleń, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy, Poland

Editorial member

Rev. prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Hołub, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy, Poland

Rev. dr hab. Marek Urban prof. UPJPII, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy, Poland

Scientific Council

  • Members of the Scientific Council affiliated abroad (in alphabetical order):

prof. Gennadii Aliaiev, Dnipro University of Technology, Department of Philosophy, Ukraine

prof. Juan Manuel Burgos, CEU San Pablo University, Department of Philosophy,  Spain

prof. Maryse Dennes, Bordeaux Montaigne University, Department of Philosophy, France

prof. Joaquin Garcia‑Huidobro, University of the Andes, Department of Philosophy, Chile

prof. Balazs Mezei, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Philosophy, Hungary

prof. Lenka Naldoniova, University of Ostrava, Department of Arts, the Czech Republic

prof. Zlatica Plašienkova, Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Philosophy, Slovakia

prof. Tomas Sodeika, University of Vilnius, Department of Philosophy, Lithuania

prof. Regula Zwahlen, Universität Freiburg, Department of Philosophy, Switzerland

  • Members of the Scientific Council affiliated in Poland (in alphabetical order):

rev. prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Biesaga, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bobko, University of Rzeszów, Institute of Sociology

dr hab. Piotr Duchliński prof. AIK , Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Department of Philosophy

prof. dr hab. Piotr Stanisław Mazur, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Department of Philosophy

dr hab. Kazimierz Mrówka prof. UP, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Phlisophy and Socilogy 

s. prof. dr hab. Tereza Obolevitch, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy

dr Paweł Rojek, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Philosophy

rev. prof. dr hab. Władysław Zuziak, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of Philosophy