Oikophilia and beauty. Roger Scruton and the ecological crisis
Roger Scruton, ecology, oikophilia, oikophobiaAbstract
The article discusses Roger Scruton’s views on nature conservation. Scruton took up this topic primarily in his work The Green Philosophy. How to think seriously about the planet (2014), but we also find contributions to this issue in his other publications. Scruton is a conservative philosopher, a supporter of common sense and tradition-based solutions. He defeends the view that the proper subjects of nature conservation activities should be groups of people directly interested in their environment (Bourke’s ‘little platoons’) and not bureaucratic organizations that are not responsible for their actions. Scruton introduces the concept of oikophilia, love for home and homeland as the proper moral motivation for nature protection, while rejecting purely utilitarian motivation. In his opinion, nature protection is supported not only by anthropocentric considerations, but also by the beauty of nature – which is an autotelic and non-instrumental value. I show the advantages, but also the limitations of such a position.
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