Protestantism and Islam from the missiological perspective


  • Wojciech Kowalewski Ewangelikalna Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczna we Wrocławiu



Protestantism, Islam, missions, missiology


The presence of Christian missionaries amongst Muslims has raised numerous controversies from the very beginnings of the missionary movement. The history of missions shows that the missionary idea was far too frequently identified with colonialism as the missionary concept was regarded as superior to other cultures views.

Such an attitude towards missions often led to the objectification of other cultures and religions as territories to be conquered and, consequently, increasing conflicts and divisions. It also had a great impact upon shaping a particular picture of the relations between Christian missionaries and Muslims.

In order to build bridges between Christianity and Islam in the light of the new ecumenical paradigm of missions one needs first to realize and revise improper attitudes and assumptions made by Christian missionaries. It may be assumed that at first missionaries entered the Muslim culture with the vision of Western-style Christanisation, without paying proper respect to the religious values deeply rooted in the given culture. Such an attitude favored the development of mutual prejudice or even conflict. The crusade mentality which was represented by numerous Christian missionaries had been an attempt to gain new converts from among Muslims, often resulting in antagonistic attitudes from Islamic followers towards Christians. In time, however, such attitudes changed for the benefit of searching for Christian elements in Muslim culture. Hence the reading of the Koran with considering Christian elements (e.g. the Koranic term of Isa – Jesus, al-Masih – Messiah, and others) and an attempt to build bridges on their foundations. The missiological trend with the largest number of possibilities currently being contextualised, although it functions in various models (it has been presented in detail by, among others, John Travis).


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