The Bible, the Boundaries and the Christian Missionary Initiatives in the Caucasus During the Nineteenth Century: General Remarks


  • Marcin Rzepka Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Christianity, Protestantism, missions, Bible, Caucasus, Tiflis


The article presents the main missionary organizations both Protestant and Orthodox working in the Caucasus in the nineteenth century. By presenting them in a rather general and brief form, the article is intended to emphasize the importance of the Bible translations in the missionary projects. The Bible itself constitutes a text which influences the missionary approach, as well as the cultural and social practices of the people to whom the Bible and its translation is addressed. The main assumption of the text is, however, that the changing attitudes to the Bible among the Christians living in the Caucasus were related to the appearance of the Protestants and their understanding of the Holy Book.


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