Cathar doctrine – Evangelic Christianity or import from the east?


  • Piotr Czarnecki Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie



The Cathar doctrine, Evangelic Christianity, Bogomil, restore the Church, heresys, Holy Scripture


The main aim of this article is to verify the tenets of the interpretation of Catharism which is getting more and more popular in the recent historiography, assuming that Cathar doctrine appeared independently from the Bogomil influence, as a result of different exegesis of the Holy Scripture. According to this interpretation that emerged in 1950s, the Cathars were evangelic reformers trying to restore the Church basing on the patterns taken from the New Testament. Their contacts with the Bogomils appeared in the 13th cen­tury when their doctrine was completely formed. Precise analysis of the sources shows, however, that such an interpretation is difficult to sustain not only because of the sources confirming the existence of Cathar-Bogomil contacts dating back to the 60’s of the 12th century. Also precise analysis of the foundations of the Cathar doctrine, defining their heresy on the level of heology, cosmology, anthropology, Christology or sacramentology shows clearly that they could not have been created without a Bogomil influence but only as the effect of the scriptural exegesis. Stunning similarities of the crucial themes in Cathar mythology to their Bogomil equivalents, as well as analogies in the biblical exegesis show unambiguously that Cathar doctrine could not have appeared independently in the West, and in consequence, that it was imported from the East.



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