Religion in life of Belarusian immigrants in Argentina (the XXth century – the beginning of the XXI century)


  • Сергей Шабельцев Академия МВД Республики Беларусь, Минск, Беларусь



Belarusians in South America, diaspora, emigrants, Orthodox in Argentina, pro-Soviet organizations in Buenos Aires


An article investigates the role of religion in life of Belarusian emigrants in Argentina. The key subject of the research is an analysis of the Orthodox Church development and Belarusians’ participation in its activity. Besides, the author describes the role of certain Belarusian Orthodox priests serving in South America (Aphanasy Martos, Walentin, Iwaszewicz). The author concludes that emigration led to the decrease of level of religiousness of Belarusians. Orthodox churches became just  meeting places for emigrants and served as connecting thread with homeland, memory of which was accompanied by  acute nostalgia.


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