Christian Churches in Angola and Angolan policy of identity.The case of Bon Deus church


  • Natalia Zawiejska Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Angolan identity, religious politics, identity politics, Angolan Pentecostalism, Angolan Christianity, African Christianity


In this article I am focusing on the identity and belonging of Angolan Christian churches. I am showing how religious and social identities of religious groups and institutions are rooted in multiple sources like social imaginations, memories, territory and affective attachments. These identity dimensions are deeply engaged in shaping social lives in a contemporary Angolan society, however, they are not compatible with identity constructs introduced by political discourses in Angola. This article offers an insight into the role of social and religious identities in shaping contemporary social dynamics in Angola. The analysis is based on the case study of Bom Deus church.


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