The usefulness of files of the papal nunciature as a historic source


  • Wojciech Kęder Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



papal diplomacy, papal Secretariat of the State, papal nunciatures, files of papal nunciatures, Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae


Diplomacy of the Holy See is the diplomacy which kept its continuity for the longest period of time, and at the same it was considered to be the best one in the world. During its secular activity the diplomacy collected a huge quantity of files. They are mainly stored in the Vatican Archive, in the papal Secretariat of the State, and the Archive of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. All papal diplomats were usually very well prepared to perform their functions, and at the same time, they were both educated very well and had wide intellectual horizons.

The reports are not only a priceless source, but sometimes the only source, giving information about many events. They also complement the knowledge gained from other sources concerning people, events, and times they come from in a superb way. For these reasons after opening the Vatican Archive in 1881 many scientific institutions troubled themselves to publish the files.


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