The experiences of bishop Bolesław Sloskans in Soviet Russia based on his memoirsfrom prison (1927–1933)
Bolesław Sloskans, Soviet Russia, labor camps, Solovetsky IslandsAbstract
This article presents the memories of bishop Bolesław Sloskans from the Soviet labor camps (1927–1933). Marxist ideology regarded religion as the enemy of progress. Therefore, after the Bolsheviks took power, a period of systemic struggle with all its manifestations began. A huge sacrifice, apart from the Orthodox Church, was made by the Roman Catholic Church. Almost all Catholic clergy working in the USSR faced persecution at that time. Among them was also Bishop Bolesław Sloskans, from 1926 apostolic administrator in Belarus with the title of apostolic inspector of the Mogilev and Minsk dioceses. He was arrested for the first time in 1927. He was imprisoned for the second time in 1930. He spent six years in exile. He was released in 1933 through an exchange of prisoners from Latvia.References
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